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Stay Safe and Healthy during the Dry Season!

The dry season is here again, and is expected to last from January until May or into June. This is usually a period of low rainfall and high temperatures. The sunny weather makes for beautiful days, but the high temperatures can pose a risk to health, especially through dehydration. Today we bring you 5 Tips to help you stay healthy during the dry season


1.  Stay hydrated  The first and perhaps the most important health tip for the dry season is to STAY HYDRATED. The high temperatures can cause rapid dehydration, particularly in persons who are outdoors and in direct sunlight for significant periods of time.

In temperate climates, it is recommended that you drink at least 3 liters of water per day. For individuals who live in the tropics, 4.1 – 6 liters should be consumed every day. Even in the shade, temperatures can rise quite high. Make sure children and the elderly drink as much fluids as possible.


2. Manage exposure to sunlight – Although this can be unavoidable at times, one of the safest ways to remain healthy during the dry season is to limit your exposure to sunlight unless it is absolutely necessary. The ultraviolet radiation in sunshine can at times be harmful. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause damage to your skin (removed the additional as I am not sure how factual the information is, let’s discuss). 

If you do have to venture out, use light protective clothing (e.g. long sleeved tops) or an umbrella for additional shielding from the sunlight.

3. Use sunscreen – Sunscreen is one of the easiest ways to give yourself added protection from the sunlight if you are moving about during the dry season. This can be in the form of a lotion or a spray, and works by blocking and absorbing the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation through a combination of physical and chemical particles. Sunscreens prevent your skin from receiving the full brunt of the sun and can be useful in helping prevent a range of ailments, including skin cancer.

TIP: Use the right sunscreen for your skin. Sunscreens come in different SPF ranges (Sun Protection Factor) ranging from 15-50; with 30 being the most commonly used. If you have sensitive skin, it is recommended that you use a sunscreen with a higher SPF.


4. Wear sunglasses with polarised lenses – During the dry season, there can be periods of intense and bright sunlight, and polarised sunglasses are made specifically to give a measure of protection your eyes. Good quality sunglasses feature polarised lenses, which improve visual comfort, improve contrast and visual clarity, reduce eye strain, and eliminate glare.

TIP: Do not, under any circumstances, look directly into the sun.   


5. Choose your protective clothing wisely –  Depending on the material used, wearing long-sleeved clothing in the sunlight can be hot and uncomfortable and cause sweating. Tops made of light, natural fibres such as cotton and linen will provide you with the benefit of protection from the effects of direct sunlight, whilst giving a higher measure of comfort than synthetic and heavier materials.

TIPBrighter colours reflect heat, and darker colours absorb heat.


If you haven’t started applying any of our tips, now’s a good time to start! Remember to rehydrate as often as you can, and keep an eye out for children and the elderly too!

Thanks for joining us again, this week. Look out for more tips next week!

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